torsdag 13. mars 2008


With less than one month left of my stay here, I'm forced to start considering what to do next year. The military is planning to call me in next march, which would effectively ruin two years of education, hence this isn't an option. Then I'm left with either civil service or to postpone the military service. I'm tempted to just postpone it and get started in Trondheim, as I have looked very much forward to that. But then the military might catch up with me and I'll be having to go to the service when I'm supposed to start working.

As for civil service, I've checked around a bit; the two main options as for now is either to take my civil service in NMS and go back here, as they actually need a geek down here(actually I'm writing this while installing Windows on a laptop belonging to the Norwegian School here).. Another option is Fredtun Folkehøyskole, who are searching for someone with IT knowledge, with tasks I think I would find pretty interesting. It also counts in their favor that their music teacher is noone less than Ole Børud, ex guitarist of Extol, a band whos entire discography I brought with me down here. Another thing is that they go to Kenya for one month..

Of course, both those options are options I'm not guaranteed, I'll have to apply and hope for the best. But for some reason I'm still most tempted to get started in with my studies inTrondheim, I kind of feel like settling again after travelling all over Africa..

Whoever thinks it's a privilege to be allowed to choose have never tried to actually choose between great options like this. It is a luxury problem, yes, but that doesn't make it any less of a problem.

Life was much easier when I didn't have a choice..

3 kommentarer:

mamma sa...

Hello, Tord!
We have someone who knows everything about our future and have the power to open and close doors. We are lucky to know that He allways want to listen, and that He will show the way. He knows the best, and He loves us. In His hands we can relax and and ask Him do help us to make the right choices. I will pray for you and your difficult choices. We miss you and look forward to see you again in april. Now you will celebrate Easter in Cameroon. No skiing this year B-)
Your 3 sisters (one with boyfriend) and parents are going to Oslo for Norwegian Championship in Cheerleading this weekend. Perhaps no big deal for you not to be there?!
Hugs from Mummy

Anonym sa...

Eg skrive det her, så har du det i skriftlig form og. Det e INGEN valg. Det e ingen spørsmål om k som e rektig å gjer. Viss du kan få ett år på fhs, og samtidig få onnagjort militæret på å gjer noge du synes e interesant, samtidig som du har det kjekt og får masse venna, så e det ingenting som e bedre. Drit ein lang i Tr.heim for det nesta året... Du va jo inne på Kr.Sand-tanken. Bevis på at Tr.heim ikkje e så spennande alligavel?

Greetings from your teammate, which dont have any problem with having two years of adventures, before he get stucked with study and other boring things.

Anonym sa...

Dear Tord!
We have read your bloggs and we pray for you as usual.

You have told us that your higest wich is to be on the place your great Father want you to be.
That he will tell you.

Else og Mossa