onsdag 10. oktober 2007

The last days have been quite quiet, and we're settling here at the Focus center. We've had some lessons about Kenyan culture, and today we also had our first kiswahili lesson.
We've also been to a pentecostal church here, and that was quite different from the normal Norwegian church. But as we was thaught yesteday, there are all varieties of churches here, both the very conservative, methodical churches and the more liberal charismatic churches, so I won't write much about christianity in Kenya after a visit in only one church.

I'm posting this from a hotel near the Focus center, and they have a reasonably fast internet, so here are some pictures!

Vegard in the airplane

Ane (left) and Mari, just arrived at the airport

Jane came to pick us up at the airport. A very nice lady :)
Our beds, with the mosquito nets
This is what our breakfast looks like. Yep, we actually get bread, but not real Norwegian bread..
This is what it looks like right outside our bedrooms
Notice the short shadows :)
But the weather isn't always nice..Vegard enjoying a meal of Chapati (in his hand)
This cat comes to annoy us almost every meal. This meal was no exception.

And after eating, the dishes.. This time it's the girls, but we are sharing the workload(yes mom, I do dishes!)

4 kommentarer:

mamma sa...

Hi, Tord!
Nice to see the pictures. Looks like you have a good place to live. But I couldn't find any pictures of my Tord..
Also glad to hear that you do dishes. I knew you could :-)
Hugs from mum

Amethyst Rain sa...

Tord I'm so loving your mom!!!! She has done a wonderful job with you :) Maybe when your done in Africa you can come to Maine & show Rich how to do the dishes LOL I am curious how are your teammates likeing the journey so far?

Unknown sa...

Hello Tord!
I see you get bread, but I suppose you don't get your "havvavyt"?(norwegian for oat porrigde). Thank you for posting pictures! Nice to see what Nairobi looks like!
Take care!

Inki and Ole Einar sa...

Tord, så kjekt! :) Høres ut som om dere har det flott! :) Bra du tar bilder, og bra du skriver blogg! Hils masse til teamet fra meg og kos dere veldig videre!
PS. Har du funnet havregryn der nede da? ;) Klem klem